El Millalobo es un ser muy parecido a un hombre pero la mitad inferior de su cuerpo tiene forma de lobo marino.
Esta cubierto de un pelaje similar al del lobo pero de color amarillo oro. De ahi vien su nombre; Milla=oro.
Fue concebido entre una mujer hermosa y un lobo de mar durante la batalla entre Tentén Vilu y Cai Cai Vilu.
Su reino es el mar. A veces se le ve con la Huenchula, su mujer, pasear por la orilla del mar.
Este ser tiende a raptar niñas desprevenidas en las orillas del mar, en las horas que el mar sube.
Con la Huenchula tiene 3 hijos: La Pincoya, El Pincoy y la Sirena.
The Millalobo
The Millalobo is a being very similar to man, but the lower half of its body has the shape of a sea lion.
It is covered by a golden yellow fur which is like the one of the sea lion. Therefore, its name came from the world gold = milla
It was conceived from a relation between a beautiful woman and a sea lion during a battle fought by Tentén Vilu and Cai Cai Vilu.
Its kingdom is the sea. Sometimes, it is seen with Huenchula, its wife , usually taking a promenade along the sea shore.
This being tend to catch and kidnap unaware women along the coast, at times in which the tide is high.
The Millalobo and The Huenchula have three children; The Pincoya, The Pincoy and The Sirena.